Warehouse Layout & Design What Aisle Width for Pallet Racking

Determining the aisle width, for pallet racking in a warehouse involves considering factors. These include the type of forklift or handling equipment used the size of pallets and the layout and storage requirements of the facility.

Here's a breakdown of aspects to consider when deciding on the appropriate aisle width.

1. Forklift Type and Specifications

The type of forklift or material handling equipment plays a role in determining aisle width requirements. Different types have varying needs;

  • Counterbalance Forklifts; These standard forklifts need aisles due to their turning radius typically ranging from 12 to 14 feet.
  • Reach Trucks; Designed for narrow aisles, reach trucks can operate in aisles as narrow as 8 to 10 feet.
  • Turret Trucks and Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) Equipment; These specialized trucks can navigate aisles as narrow as 5 to 7 feet maximizing storage efficiency.
2. Pallet Size and Load Dimensions

The size of pallets (48" x 40" in the U.S.) and load dimensions also influence aisle width requirements. It is essential to factor in clearance space for maneuvering of forklifts without causing damage, to goods or racks.

3. Balancing Storage Capacity and Accessibility

Finding the mix, between storing items in a smaller space and being able to easily reach each pallet influences decisions on aisle width. While narrower aisles can boost storage capacity, they might slow down access speed and limit flexibility.

4. Ensuring Safety and Complying with Regulations

Meeting safety standards and following regulations is crucial. This involves providing room for forklift operations pedestrian walkways and emergency exits. Different regions may have requirements set by organizations like OSHA.

5. Maximizing Operational Efficiency

Take into account how aisle width impacts efficiency, such as how items can be picked, the rate of inventory turnover and the overall workflow. Wider aisles can enable movement. Reduce accidents but may result in lower storage density.



  • Standard Aisles (12 14 feet); Suitable for warehousing using counterbalance forklifts.
  • Narrow Aisles (8 10 feet); Ideal for operations utilizing reach trucks striking a balance between storage density and accessibility.
  • Narrow Aisles (5 7 feet); suited for maximizing storage density with specialized VNA equipment.

Selecting the appropriate aisle width is a decision that affects both efficiency and safety. Seeking guidance from warehouse experts or conducting an analysis of your requirements can help optimize your warehouse layout, for peak efficiency and productivity.

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